Computer Science and Technology

Duration 3 years
Starting Date September
Tuition Fee / Year ¥29,500 (RMB)
Teaching Language English

Program Infomation

About the program:

This program aims at developing talents who adapt to the needs of the development of computer science and technology, with innovative spirit and practical ability to implement the computer science research and application in the scientific research departments, the education units, enterprises and institutions, technical and administrative departments. This program was established in 1974. At present, there are doctoral-level majors of computer science and technology, 1 post-doctoral mobile stations and 3 secondary subjects of master programs and doctor programs, covering computer application technology, computer software and theory, and the structure of the computer system. There are 4 research institutes in this subject, including theoretical computer science, network technology and application, network and cloud computing, and computer software and theory, which are part of the national natural science foundation, national 863, national 973 the national major projects, international cooperation projects and provincial key fund projects. Operational Research Traffic Flow Theory and Method Theory and Methodology of Urban Transportation Planning Discrete Choice Behavior Modeling Traffic Simulation Transportation Frontier Seminar Special Topics in Traffic Safety Intelligent Transportation System Project.

Research directions:

1. Computer Software and Theory
2. Internet of Things Technology and Application
3. Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing

4. Network and Cloud Computing

Main course: 

Mathematical Statistics
Matrix and Numerical Analyses
Object Oriented Programming Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Computer Network
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design
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